Restaurant review for The BuffaloTavern in Hua Hin, , from EonWeb's Restaurant Guide.

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The BuffaloTavern
8 Naresdamri rd, Hua Hin

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I have lived in Hua Hin for about 10 years and I must say i have been to most if not all of the restaurants in Hua Hin some were good others have even had me on the throne for days. One of my favourites was The Buffalo Tavern, the reason i liked it so much was that it is different to what you get in Hua Hin and The owner Bill is very forward, the atmosphere has been good every time I have been in there and the food is outstanding . Now that they have renovated it and made an outside part I like it even more, because it offers a sea breeze that is lovely. I would recommend it to anybody as it has a very international nemu suitable for everybody I will be coming to the Buffalo Tavern as long as it is open. stanley walding

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