Restaurant review for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar in Erie, Pennsylvania, from EonWeb's Restaurant Guide.

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Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
(814) 866-8210
7790 Peach Street, Erie, Pennsylvania

Overall Review / CommentsByAdd a Review
Purchased to go "Pecan crusted salad. My second time ordering car side to go with this location. Same as before when you order a salad to go it's not as near as good as dine in but costs the same. I got mostly the core of the lettuce, and much less of all ingredients. I purchased a full salad, was asked if I wanted full or half and specifically said full but sure I didn't get what I pay for. I think they use the scraps for to go and don't worry that you most likely won't bring it back once your home. I've purchased at other locations and all was good, but pretty sure I won't be ordering from this one again. Linda

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