Restaurant review for Holly's Mandarin in Oakland, California, from EonWeb's Restaurant Guide.

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Holly's Mandarin
(510) 652-9678
4080 Piedmont Ave, Oakland, California

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I never got the warm, exciting smile, and the endearing welcome that I observed other customers receiving. The waitress never checked on me to see if I was OK, or if I needed anything else. When I finished my meal, I had to get up from my table to pay the bill. I like leaving good tips when eating out, especially if I am treated warmly and professionally. My attire was presentable, and my behavior was as civil as the other customers. Since I was eating alone, I was reading a book while waiting for my meal. So what was it about me that would warrant treatment so different from other customers (ha-ha - I'm not as naive as this question might imply)? I brought this to the attention of the woman working at the reception desk, and she laughed it off as though my negative treatment was no big deal. i doubt if management reads their Yelp reviews like other responsible business owners, so I plan on writing them a nice letter explaining why my patronage is being terminated. W Bill Smith

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