Restaurant review for Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar in Hays, Kansas, from EonWeb's Restaurant Guide.

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Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar
(785) 628-6400
4101 N. Vine, Hays, Kansas

Overall Review / CommentsByAdd a Review
We like Applebee's in this house. It's usually where my group of frenids ends up on Friday night for dinner, mostly because it's the only place everyone generally likes. The food is always good, and the service is usually good, too but then again, our standards have gotten really low for Jamestown restaurants. But they easily have some of the better service in Jamestown. My favorites are the mucho Mud Slide and the 3-cheese chicken penne, while my husband really likes the fajitas and broccoli cheese soup. Namphung

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